108 is an independent Systemic Consultancy. Embedding regenerative thinking, with a deep knowledge of wellness and hospitality culture, to accelerate business growth.

In this uncertain and complex world we look at your whole business system to uncover what is hindering essential change. We map transition and integration challenges to find collective pragmatic solutions.

We are visioners, communicators, relationship intelligentsia, narrative developers and “in the room” problem solving strategists.

By seeing all sides to the same issue the root of problem can be resolved with integrative solutions or by creating a possibility that didn’t exist before. By removing blind-spots business can charter new territory with understanding, clarity and a growth mindset.

We are different because we see the whole system, leave nothing out so new solutions arise. Uncovering what you don’t know so you do. How we communicate is the cultural soul, the DNA of business. We combine deep listening, expert problem solving, strategic communication, integral coaching and ancient knowledge to get it done. Impacting the business by resolving the real issue and writing your new narrative. 

108 was born to solve issues for the greater good.

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See things differently from the same side.

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Think Pieces.